How to build a WA List Message

Create a customized and interactive list using workflow automation.

What is WhatsApp List Message

A WhatsApp list message is an interactive message that lets you create a list of options for your contacts to choose from. Interactive messages on WhatsApp give your users a simpler way to find and select what they want from your business.

Understanding List Message Components Header, Button, Item, etc.

When a user taps the button in the message, it displays a modal that lists the options:

How to build the list

You can easily build the WhatsApp List messages using the Workflow automation. You can refer to the video and description given below.

Parameters - Keys and Values

SOP: Creating a Custom List for Clients


To create a customized and easy-to-use list for clients or personal use using workflow automation.

Key Steps:

  1. Go to workflow automation and click on "create workflow."

  2. Select "start from scratch" and open an existing workflow or create a new one.

  3. Click on the plus sign and select "webhook."

  4. Name the webhook (e.g., main menu)

  5. Set the keyword and ensure it is unique and relevant (e.g., menu).

  6. Define the list header, messages, footer, and other keys and values according to your requirements.

  7. Create sub-menus by following the same process with matching keywords (e.g., sales).

  8. Familiarize yourself with the keys and values by creating a sample list with exact values.

  9. Test the list by sending the keyword on WhatsApp to ensure it displays correctly.

  10. Make necessary changes to the values to customize the list as needed.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Whenever you create or modify a list make sure to: Save the list, Save the workflow, and rerun the Test Workflow to save the list in our system

  • Ensure the keyword is unique and easy to remember for users.

  • Test the list thoroughly before deploying it for clients.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Utilize the help section for detailed information on keys and values

  • Start with a simple sample list to understand how values will appear.

  • Regularly update and customize the list based on client requirements.


GHL charges a small fee for the premium actions, but as you need to build or update the list occasionally, the cost remains low and negligible.

So, for your convenience and an error-free experience, you can use premium actions to build the list

Last updated